


Thank you for visiting Troop Is Stranger Than Fiction.  Spend some time and enjoy our photo galleries and stories.

Go to The Garden and spend time with some natural works of art.

Go to Tank Tracks and meet our personal therapy dog, Tank.  The fact that he is the reason we need therapy is entirely irrelevant.

Have a case of the blahs? See if there is a cure in the blogs. Poems, fiction and inspirational moments all for the browsing.  Updated weekly, very weekly.

See what weird thing I’ve said about Ninjas or go to the captions page and compete fiercely for no prizes whatsoever.

Mostly, just relax and have fun here.  You are among friends and you are loved.

If you have any questions, please feel free to send them to me on the form below.


why I have typos

Why I have typos.

Comments (6)

  1. Tobie Ackerman

    BAHAHAHAHA your Blog is freaking hilarious and creative out of the box! Love it 4 Stars – Tobie Ackerman – Mad Magazine Raves

  2. Bring it on brother!

  3. Hey Keith, outstanding name. Talk to you soon.

  4. scott herring

    I love this page. I feel at home here

  5. Austin

    What made you to finally do this?

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