
In Praise of the Corpsman

From the Halls of Montezuma
To the shores of Tripoli;
I fight my country’s battles
With a corpsman next to me;
When first to fight for right and freedom
It’s hard to keep my fresh wounds clean;
But a corpsman keeps me on the job
Of a United States Marine.

Our flag’s unfurled to every breeze
From dawn to setting sun;
If I’m shot at any time or place
There’s a corpsman on the run;
Frostbite on a far-off Northern shore
Or sunny tropical disease,
A corpsman keeps me coming home,
From foreign land or seven seas.

So here’s health to you and to my Corps
In which I proudly serve;
In many a strife you’ve saved my life
And never lost your nerve.
While I know one day we all must pass
And that all will meet an end.
But I’ll be fighting as long as I can
Because the corpsmen are my friends.


From the Marine Corps Hymn

Revision by Keith D. Troop


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