
Archives for : December2015

Once More Into The Breach

(a fireman’s/policeman’s heart)

Once more into the breach I go,
unto what fate, I do not know.
But duty calls and friends may fall,
so once more into the breach I go.

From friends and loved ones I depart,
though it pains me to leave them now.
But life is in peril and time is short
and I must defend it somehow.
Someone may lose a parent or child
if when called, I then fail to show.
So I kiss my children nighty night
as once more into the breach I go.

The fear I feel is deep inside
for I have not the time for it now.
Though home and comfort call to me,
I ignore their urging somehow.
I swore an oath to defend all life
and to that oath I owe.I must conquer myself for I wish to live
as once more into the breach I go.

And should this be my last time out,
should I meet my eternal end,
Lord, look kindly down on me
and protect those I gave all to defend.
I’ve placed myself into your hands,
my fate, only you know.
Remember me, Lord. I answered your call.
As once more into the breach I did go.

Once more into the breach I go.
Unto a fate that only He knows.
But duty calls and friends might fall,
So once more into the breach I go.