
What is this place?

A really good question. I ask it myself, frequently. The best answer I can give is, “VERMILLION.” But that’s not the answer to the question, “what is this place?” In fact it has nothing to do with that question which leaves me wondering why you brought it up in the first place. But, no matter, we’ll press on. This is a kind of resting place on the path of the weary traveler. It is designed to be inspirational, though I suspect you will be more inspired toward laughter than enlightenment.  For my part, I intend to take credit for it either way, though if you do find anything worthwhile here, God probably slipped it in while I wasn’t looking.

You will find pictures of flowers from my garden and hear tales of the creatures that live there.  You will have plenty of opportunity to see pictures of our abundantly large puppy named “Tank” and hear tales of his adventures in a section called “Tank Tracks.” There will be blog posts of poetry and fiction and inspirational messages, hopefully many of which will be written by someone skilled at it.

But do be warned, this project started because friends asked me to create a place to post stuff I write.  I suspect that this was to keep me from taking up space in their Facebook pages. Ultimately, if you are amused or distracted or uplifted or even if your life was just made moderately less unpleasant for a moment because you spent time here, then this will have been worth the time to put this site together. I pray you feel the same about your time spent here.

Oh, and this site is powered by cookies.  Mostly “Nutter Butters” and those large soft chocolate chip cookies that you get at the pizza places now-a-days.

Comment (1)

  1. Rusty Shackelford

    This makes me happy.

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